Position: Associate professorRoom: I.E.348Phone: (+36 1) 463 1925Email: Fax: (+36 1) 463 3107Role, task: VT memberTTF memberHead of laboratoryCVÖnéletrajz: CV-AttilaVidacs.pdf Oktatás Courses given Internet services and applications 2018/2019 1. félév (ősz) : Internet services and applications (2018) 2017/2018 1. félév (ősz) : Internet services and applications (2017) Sensor networks and applications 2017/2018 2. félév (tavasz) : Sensor networks and applications (2018) 2016/2017 2. félév (tavasz) : Sensor networks and applications (2017) Course coordinator of Internet services and applications , vitmma04 , MSc - Mesterképzés , BME-VIK Mérnök informatikus szak , Szakirány-/specializációtárgy K+F Project leadership 295-DYNAMO , COST Action , COST Action Dynamic Communication Networks: Foundations and Algorithms IC0806-IntelliCIS , COST Action , COST Action Intelligent Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems EARTH , EU FP, Horizon 2020 , EU-FP7 IP Energy Aware Radio and Network Technologies TeleCalm+ , Egyéb nemzetközi , IVF-NSC, Taiwan Joint Research Projects Program TeleCalm+ - The Smoke in the Chimney - An Intelligent TeleCare Solution for Homes Publications Publication list from MTMT: https://vm.mtmt.hu/search/slist.php?lang=1&AuthorID=10010787 Magyar