Specialization in the care of TMIT
Internet Architecture and Services Specialization (2015- from) ( TMIT , HIT) |
Data and Media Informatics Specialization ( From 2015) ( TMIT ) |
Specializations in which TMIT also participates
Mobile Networks and Services Integration Specialization (as of 2015) ( HIT , TMIT) |
Discontinuing specializations
Our specialties
Continuation of our undergraduate sectors in master’s degree is
specializations. However, we are also waiting for those who were not in the related sector during their undergraduate studies (in fact, not even in the basic course of electrical engineering at BME VIK).
Our side courses
In connection with the specialization, we also offer independent laboratory and diploma topics that are regularly renewed in the master's program; the student also completes an internship in this training; and we will continue to support you if you want to TDK.
We offer our compulsory elective MSc subjects and free elective subjects to both students in our own field and those in other fields.