Curriculum vitae
Laszlo T. Koczy
Degrees earned:
Technical University of Budapest:
- M. Sc. Electrical Engineering 1975,
- M. Phil. Control Eng. 1976,
- Ph.D. 1977,
- Dr. habil 1998,
Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 1998.
Affiliation: Department of Information Technology, Széchenyi István University
Position: Professor (Dean of Engineering 2002-2011)
President of the University Doctoral Council and University Research Council (2012 - current)
Address: 1, Egyetem tér, 9026 Győr, Hungary
Phone: + 36-30-552-6070 E-mail:
Secondary affiliation: Dept. of Telecommunications and Media Informatics-Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Position: Professor
Address: 2, Magyar Tudósok krt., H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: + 36-30-552-6070 E-mail:
Professor Honoris Causae (University of Miskolc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics)
National Appointment (by Prime Minister):
Member: Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) for Higher Education (2012- current)
Chair: Engineering Sciences Committee, HAC
Co-Chair: Standing Committee for Doctoral Education and Professorships, HAC (2018-2019)
Member: Standing committee for professorships, HAC (2019-current)
Chair: Working Group for Professorship Criteria, HAC (2019)
Editor-in-chief: Accreditation Review, HAC (2019-current)
Facts about professional activities
- Summary data of scientific activities
Refereed publications total: over 790
Accumulated impact factor of journal papers: 73,582
Citations (independent citations): over 3150
Citations (Google Scholar): over 7100
Hirsch index (Google Scholar): 40
Most important research results:
- Introduction of the concept of fuzzy rule interpolation and the development of a family of fuzzy rule interpolation algorithms
- Introduction of the possibility of rule interpolation in hierarchically structured fuzzy rule bases
- Automatic identification of hierarchical interpolative models from input-output data by clustering and evolutionary algorithms
- Investigation of various fuzzy models and the establishment of their mutual equivalence relations
- Concept reduction algorithm for Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
- Analysis of the behavior of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps when non-zero interaction values are uncertain or changing, conditions of fixed point behavior
- Extended Uncertain Cognitive Maps and fixed point behavior
- Introduction of the concept of fuzzy signatures, fuzzy situational maps based on spatial fuzzy signatures, and fuzzy signature state machines
- Fuzzy communication and collaboration of intelligent robots
- Explicit expressions for fuzzy models
- Approximation and stability properties of fuzzy models and algorithms
- Discrete Bacterial Memetic Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving NP-Hard and Uncertain
- abstract problems
- Interpolative fuzzy control of Automatic Guided Vehicles and mobile robots
- Basic results in fuzzy control and dispatching of energetic systems
- Applications in various logistics related problems (routing, packing and packaging, scheduling, marketing and customer satisfaction), introduction of various fuzzy routing models
- Various applications of fuzzy reasoning shell (job exchange, traffic control system, etc.)
- Optimization of fuzzy graphs and unreliable networks
- Information retrieval from verbal documents by fuzzy relational map
- Introduction of the Fuzzy Hough transform
Visiting positions:
- Kaunas Technical University, Vytautas Magnus University, short visiting invitations (2017-2019)
- AGH University, Cracow (2016, 2017, 2019, each 1 month, two intensive courses)
- Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya (Indonesia, 2018, “World Class Professor Program”)
- Deakin University (Geelong, 2015, 3 months, “Thinker in Residence”)
- Australian National University (Canberra 2004-2008, annually; 2014, 1-2 months)
- Auckland University of Technology (2004)
- Helsinki University 2000, 2001, 2015, 2016, 2018 (summer school and NOVA-BOVA Ph.D. course)
- Murdoch University (Perth) 2000- 2003 (annually 1-2 months)
- University of New South Wales (Sydney 1997-1999, annually; 2014 (2 months))
- J. Kepler University of Linz 1994, 1998 (2 semesters, part time)
- University of Trento 1995-96 (3 semesters, part time)
- Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne 1995 (summer school)
- Tokyo Institute of Technology 1993-94 (Fuzzy Theory Chair Professor) and 1997 (2 months)
- Pohang Institute of Science and Technology 1992 (7 months)
- Dalian Maritime University (China) 1990 (summer school)
- Kaunas Technical University, Vytautas Magnus University, short visiting invitations (2017-2019)
Higher education accreditation activities:
- Member of the Subcommittee on Engineering Sciences, Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) (2010-2012)
- Member of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) (appointed by the Prime Minister) (2012-current)
- Chair of the Subcommittee on Engineering Sciences, HAC (2012-current)
- Member of the Standing Committee for Doctoral Education and Professorships, HAC (2012-2019), Co-Chair: (2018-2019)
- Chair: Working Group for Professorship Criteria, HAC (2019)
- Member: Standing committee for professorships, HAC (2019-current)
- Editor-in-chief: Accreditation Review, HAC (2019-current)
Continuous accreditation work in the above bodies.
- Accreditation committee member invited by SKVC (Lithuanian Accreditation Institution) 2010, 2011
- Accreditation committee leader invited by SKVC (Lithuanian Accreditation Institution) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
Accredited programs: Electrical engineering, Electronics engineering, Automation control, Information technology, Aeronautical engineering (BA and MA)
- Accreditor by invitation, Australian National University (2014)
Accredited subject: Algorithms and data structures
Professional Organization and Societies:
- Past President, International Fuzzy Systems Association 2003-2005
- President, International Fuzzy Systems Association 2001-2003
- President Elect, IFSA 1999-2001
- Vice President, IFSA 1995-1999
- Founding Member, EURO Working Group on Fuzzy Sets 1975 (now EUSFLAT)
- Founding President, Hungarian Fuzzy Association 1990-1999,
- LIFE Honorary President, Hungarian Fuzzy Association 2005-
- Senior Member, IEEE 1999-
- President of the IEEE NNS Regional Chapters Board 2001-2002
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Administrative Committee, Member of the Board 2005-2010
- IEEE Systems Council Administrative Committee, Member of the Board 2011-2012
- IEEE-CIS Subcommittee for Outstanding Organization Award 2017 -2018
- President, Hungarian Rectors and Deans of Engineering College 2003-2004
- President, Board for Computer Science and Information Technology, Hungarian Rectors' Conference 2009-2010
- Member Supervisory Committee National PhD Council (Hungary) 2012-2013
- Member Committee National PhD Council (Hungary) 2013-current
- Member Advisory Committee on Industrial Safety (Hungarian Head Quarters for Disaster Prevention) 2012-current
- Database of Hungarian Scholarly Works, Member of the Scientific Council 2017-current
- Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member of various professional journals:
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems
- Soft Computing
- International Journal of Fuzzy Systems
- Journal of Advanced Computation and Intelligence
- Mathware and Soft Computing
- Fuzzy Systems & AI
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Information Processing
- International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Systems
- Journal of Advanced Computing,
- International Journal of Uncertainty
- Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems
- Lead Guest Editor at Complexity
Professional Awards:
Certificate of Appreciation –ISMSI 2021
- Fuzzy Pioneer Award - awarded in 2019, presentation ceremony in 2020
- Certificate of Appreciation (Institute of Technology Surabaya) EUSFLAT 2019
- Outstanding Paper Award IFSA-NAFIPS 2019
- Word Class Professor Award by the Indonesian Government 2019
- Certificate of Appreciation (The 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence) 2018
- Best Paper Award (The International Conference on Computer Engineering Network and Intelligent Multimedia 2018 and The 11rd AUN / SEED-Net Regional Conference on Computer and Information Engineering 2018)
- Life Fellow of the Russian Society for Fuzzy Systems and Computational Intelligence (2018)
- Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Science (2017, inauguration: 2018)
- Best paper award (2018, The 3rd Conference on Information Technology, Systems Research and Computational Physics)
- Best Paper Award (2017, World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association, IFSA-SCIS)
- Order of the Hungarian Republic Commander's Cross (2017)
- Member of the St. Stephan Academy of Science (2016, inauguration: 2017)
- Certificate of Appreciation (2017, Banaras Hindu University)
- Certificate of Appreciation (Invited Speaker, 2016, CIIS 2016)
- Certificate of Appreciation (2016, ITMS'16)
- Appointed Foreign Member of the Council of Provosts, Division of Engineering Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences (2015-)
- Certificate of Appreciation (2014, Institut Teknologi Brunei)
- Certificate of Appreciation (Plenary Speeker, HNICEM2014)
- Best Paper Award (2013, The Doctoral Symposium on Recent Advances in Information Technology Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems)
- For Dedication and Service (2012, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society)
- For Leadership and Service (2012, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE)
- Order of the Hungarian Republic Officer's Cross (2011)
- Best Paper Award (2011, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE)
- For Dedicated Service (2010, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society)
- Life Fellow of the International Society of Management Engineers ( 2009)
- Distinguished Contribution Award (2009, International Symposium on Management Engineering),
- Fellow of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (2007)
- Distinguished Contribution Award (2006, World Automation Congress),
- For Notable Services and Contributions (2006, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society),
- Honor for Outstanding Contribution (2005, International Fuzzy Systems Association),
- For Distinguished Contribution (2005, Berkeley Initiative for Soft Computing, University of California),
- Laszlo Kozma Medallion (2004),
- Denis Gabor Award (2002),
- Best Paper Award (1985, Systems Science)
- Appreciation by the Minister of Education (1984)