
Basic information
Project full name: 
Cloud application/service profiling
Ericsson-HSN kutatási együttműködés
Ericsson-HSN kutatási együttműködés
2015. 01. 04 to 2017. 12. 31
Projektvezető (TMIT): 


Optimal Cloud research project

The goal of this joint HSNLab-Ericsson research project is to find a predictable connection between the performance of a Virtualized Network Function (VNF) and its resource requirements would enable optimized deployments.

Dr. Markosz Maliosz is the project leader on behalf of HSNLab.

As part of our project we developed a demonstration of client based feedback in a OpenStack cloud. We plan to make the code available, once we publish a research paper describing the model in detail and the measurement results. Interested researchers may contact us for further details via email.

Student contests and Thesises

Our students successfully participated in 2016 at the annual studensts research contest organized by BME-VIK. The paper (written in Hungarian with English abstract) is available online.

Students participating in the project wrote several Thesises during their BSc and MSc studies, available for download from the Thesis Portal of our Faculty. Covered topics are:horizontal autoscaling of video servers, automatic service deployment in cloud systems, measurement based monitoring of virtualised applications, management of virtualized containers, software defined netoworks in the cloud.



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