
Basic information
Project full name: 
Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems
COST Action
COST Action
2009. 01. 23 to 2013. 05. 04

The COST Action IC0804 proposes realistic energy-efficient alternate solutions to share IT distributed resources. As large scale distributed systems gather and share more and more computing nodes and Storage resources, their energy consumption is exponentially increasing. While much effort is nowadays put into hardware specific solutions to lower energy consumptions, the need for a complementary approach is necessary at the distributed system level, i.e. middleware, network and applications. The Action characterizes the energy consumption and energy efficiencies of distributed applications.

Then based on the current hardware adaptation possibilities and innovative algorithms it proposes adaptive and alternative approaches taking into account the energy saving dimension of the problem. The Action characterizes the trade-off between energy savings and functional and non-functional parameters, including the economic dimension.

Deliverables includes workshop proceedings, books, good practice leaflets fostering consciousness rise at ICT researchers, scientists, managers and users levels. Finally, benefits addresses scientific and societal needs.