Green radio access networks – energy-efficient network management techniques and extensions

Témavezető (TMIT): 
Doktori iskola: 
Villamosmérnöki Tudományok Doktori Iskola
Kiírás dátuma: 
2012. 01. 06
Téma leírása: 

The rapid growth of telecom industry is accompanied by an increased energy consumption of mobile networks, with a corresponding increase in the carbon footprint of the sector. The strategic objective is to propose effective mechanisms to drastically reduce energy wastage and improve energy efficiency of next generation (LTE, LTE-Advanced) cellular mobile broadband communication systems, without compromising users perceived quality of service and system capacity. However, state-of-the-art network planning and management algorithms exclude energy consumption in considerations. New architectures deviating from the classical cellular concept have high potential for significant energy efficiency improvement.


  • English
  • strong knowledge in modern telecommunication networks
  • good mathematical background
  • experience in computer programming
Labor, csoport: 
Nagysebességű hálózatok laboratórium (HSN Lab)