General profile

The Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics (TMIT) deals with the research and university-level education in the convergent communication, information and media technologies.

Technical profile

The backbone of the departmental profile is the technical issues of the content - transmission - presentation value chain, including the issues in the processing and transmission of various contents (voice, image, video, data, documents multimedia, etc.) using information technology. The education and research activity of the department is focused on:

  • infocommunication systems, particularly up-to-date telecommunication and computer networks, and their integration, as well as
  • media information systems, particularly speech and multimedia information systems and applications,

embracing both technological aspects and the related management and sectorial regulatory issues. The scope of the department ranges from the scientific approach to practical applications.


The department is equally involved in the Technical Informatics and Electrical Engineering majors, delivers courses on Infocommunications, Telecommunication Networks, Databases and Speech Information Systems in the basic curriculum and is responsible for the specialisation of:

  • Infocommunications systems
  • Internet and infocommunication applications,
  • Media informatics,
  • Electronic services and security, as well as
  • Infocommunications management.

The department maintains modern educational laboratories. Annually 80-100 students write master's theses within the department. The department undertakes an outstanding share in the 3-year PhD education within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. For the 45-50 PhD students we organize four international conferences a year, to which our professional partners are also invited.

Collaboration, projects

The department has wide and intensive international and national relations and references.