The Role of Big Data in Opponent Scouting: A Case Study of Passes

2014. 12. 18. 12:15

Előadás a MTA-BME Lendület Jövő Internet Kutatócsoport Szemináriumán a TMIT szemináriumsorozat keretében.

Helyszín: I.B.027

Előadó: Gyarmati László (Qatar Computing Research Institute) Kivonat:

Big data in football is starting to gain momentum due to the ever increasing depth and breadth of datasets. Similar to other industries, big data will influence the whole value chain of the football organizations: from player scouting through merchandizing to in-game strategies. This talk focuses on the latter one by highlighting the role of quantitative methods in opponent scouting. Step-by-step, we walk through datasets with increasing granularity, and in parallel, we present actionable insights revealed by big data techniques. We use the case of passes in this journey in which we depart from the players with the most passes and reveal passing strategies of teams and favorite pass-related movements of players.